Jonathan Wight's Ethics in economics: an introduction to moral frameworks. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015, 275 pp.


  • George F. DeMartino University of Denver, United States



Jonathan Wight, book review, ethics, economics, George F. DeMartino

Author Biography

George F. DeMartino, University of Denver, United States

George F. DeMartino is professor of international economics at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies of the University of Denver. DeMartino's research interests include global political economy, and the ethical foundations of economic theory and policy. Over the past several years he has advocated the need to develop a professional ethics for economics, including in such works as The economist’s oath: on the need for and content of professional economic ethics (2011, Oxford University Press) and the Oxford handbook of professional economic ethics (2016, with Deirdre McCloskey).




How to Cite

DeMartino, G. F. (2016). Jonathan Wight’s Ethics in economics: an introduction to moral frameworks. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015, 275 pp. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 9(1), 156–163.