Ethics, economics, and markets

An interview with Debra Satz


  • Debra Satz Stanford University, United States



Deba Satz, ethics, markets, justice, democratic equality, political philosophy


The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics interviewed professor Satz in early October 2009 when she visited Erasmus University Rotterdam to present material from her new book at the Research Seminar of the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics.

Author Biography

Debra Satz, Stanford University, United States

Debra Satz is the Marta Sutton Weeks professor of ethics in society and professor of philosophy and (by courtesy) political science at Stanford University. She also directs Stanford’s Bowen H. McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society. Prior to coming to Stanford in 1988, Satz taught at Swarthmore College. She has also held fellowships at the Princeton University Center for Human Values and the Stanford Humanities Center and was the Marshall Weinberg distinguished visiting professor at the University of Michigan in 2002. Satz grew up in the Bronx and received her B.A. from the City College of New York and her PhD from MIT in 1987.

Professor Satz’s research interests range widely including social and political philosophy, philosophy of social sciences, philosophy of economics, and feminist philosophy. Her work has appeared in Philosophy & Public Affairs, Ethics, Journal of Philosophy, and World Bank Economic Review. Her main research interest for the last decade concerns the limits of the market: Are there some things that should not be for sale? Kidneys? Sex? International weapons? Should the reach of markets be limited for reasons other than efficiency and distributive justice? Her new book addressing these issues is entitled Why some things should not be for sale: the moral limits of markets and will be published by Oxford University Press in June 2010.




How to Cite

Satz, D. (2010). Ethics, economics, and markets: An interview with Debra Satz. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 3(1), 68–88.


