Review of Robert Skidelsky’s What’s Wrong With Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2020, ix + 248 pp.


  • Ella Needler Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Maria João Pimenta Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands


Author Biographies

Ella Needler, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ella Needler is a research master student at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics and volunteer with the Women in Economics Initiative. Her research interests include the history of economic thought and economic methodology in the topics of macroeconomics, central banking, and gender. She holds a BSBA in finance and economics from Washington University in St. Louis.

Maria João Pimenta, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Maria João Pimenta is a research master student at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics. Her research interests are in the history of economic thought and the methodology of economics. In particular, she interested in exploring the impact of vision on the practice of economics across time. She holds a Scottish Masters in Economics from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.




How to Cite

Needler, E., & João Pimenta, M. (2023). Review of Robert Skidelsky’s What’s Wrong With Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2020, ix + 248 pp. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 16(1), 130–136.